在遥远的未来。人类瑟缩在被岩层包围的“圈落”内艰难度日。 圈落外面,最新是一片广阔而危险的未知领域“迷宫”。而那些冒着生命危险开拓“迷宫”、最新在未知中留下已知烙印的人们,则被称作“标记人”。 想成为标记人的少女·梅梅普与想改行不做标记人的男子·刚刚爸。 这对风格迥异的父女即将向迷宫发起挑战! “既然没有路,那就自己动手挖出一条!” 2021年秋天,SATELIGHT将为您献上一部冒险机甲动作大作!
在遥远的未来。人类瑟缩在被岩层包围的“圈落”内艰难度日。 圈落外面,最新是一片广阔而危险的未知领域“迷宫”。而那些冒着生命危险开拓“迷宫”、最新在未知中留下已知烙印的人们,则被称作“标记人”。 想成为标记人的少女·梅梅普与想改行不做标记人的男子·刚刚爸。 这对风格迥异的父女即将向迷宫发起挑战! “既然没有路,那就自己动手挖出一条!” 2021年秋天,SATELIGHT将为您献上一部冒险机甲动作大作!
回复 :人气动漫《来自深渊》确认将推出两部剧场版动画——《来自深渊:出发的黎明》《来自深渊:流浪的黄昏》,此外,第二季动画也在制作之中。《来自深渊》改编自土笔章人原作的同名漫画,深不见底的洞穴中栖居着各种奇妙生物,挑战大洞穴的冒险者们,陆续得到了“探窟家”的名号。
回复 :A fantastic journey sometimes begins with one tiny little hop. Ribbit is a frog with an identity crisis. Unlike frogs, he hates hopping and has a strong aversion to water. Feeling a misfit, he is full of questions about his life... and so together with his best friend, a flying squirrel, he embarks on a soul-searching journey in search of the truth and his rightful place in this world. Set amongst the breathtaking backdrop of the Amazon rainforest, they surge ahead in their quest for the answer to life's mysteries... encountering a zany variety of colourful characters, both friend and foe, along the way. Confusion reigns when Ribbit is accidently hypnotised. Is Ribbit a human prince trapped in a frog's body by an evil curse... or is he merely a confused colourful denizen of the jungle
回复 :改编自同名轻小说作品,动画以魔族与人共同生活的街道为舞台,讲述了为各种魔物娘们看病的新人医生和医生的助手的日常生活故事。