回复 :Living in the small farming community of Rickerby, twenty-four year old Kimberly Jantzen is a single mother working as a gas station pump jockey while she works her way through nursing school to eke out a better life for herself and her daughter, Lizi. In some circles, she is considered white trash. One moxia.cc night after a few drinks at the local pub, she gets into a physical altercation with Billy, her now ex-boyfriend, their fight and break-up because she caught him cheating on her. At the hospital emergency room to deal with a serious cut to her hand the result of the fight, she is treated by her family physician, Dr. Richard Darian, one of the wealthiest and most respected people in town. However, under heavy sedation which Dr. Darian warns her that she may have hallucinations and/or amnesia, Kimberly is certain that Dr. Darian raped her, she unable to fight him off in her drugged state. Believing she will get no justice going through Rickerby's police, she files charges against Dr. ...
回复 :胜裕与直也是一对同性恋的恋人。一天,一位名叫朝子的女子闯进他们的生活,朝子想要一个孩子,并希望与胜裕与直也和她一起组织一个家。直也反对这个提议,对于胜裕隐瞒自己是同性恋者一事感到很愤怒。就在这时,胜裕的哥哥与嫂嫂前来,他们极力反对胜裕与朝子的决定。直也、胜裕、朝子,开始思索家庭的真正意义,并朝着自己的生活方式去追求……
回复 :投資平台舉辦投資大賽,與人氣股神Gordon合作,冠軍獎金豐厚,還可加入股神旗下的基金。這飛黃騰達的機會,招來了各方高手:Jayden 視投資世界為最刺激的玩樂場,夢想成為新一代股神;Billy懷材不遇,冷靜理性,善用數據分析;C Ling是個窮苦女學覇,適應力和學習能力勝人一籌;歐陽八面玲瓏,早在職場上廣結人緣,強項是消息靈通;MING少是個傻氣的富三代,強大的背景支援,輕鬆贏在起跑線上。比賽如叢林遊戲般汰弱留強,為生存,參賽者時而合作、時而博弈,發揮個人強項的同時亦敗露出自身的弱點,彼此高興認識加深,卻又逐漸敵友難分。投資世界計算回報和風險,慾望和恐懼,比賽挑戰情義和底線,到底最後誰主勝利?