亚洲区Focuses on the incredible rise, fall and rebirth of one of the worlds most successful electronic music artists of all time, Avicii.
亚洲区Focuses on the incredible rise, fall and rebirth of one of the worlds most successful electronic music artists of all time, Avicii.
回复 :Tom Daley: Diving For Gold, a one-off documentary from independent production company Twofour about the Olympic diver’s professional and personal life in the four years between the 2012 games and the upcoming Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro.Diving For Gold follows Daley as he embarks on the next chapter of his career under new coach Jane Figueiredo, as he challenges for gold in Rio. The documentary also takes a look at Tom’s decision to go public about his sexuality and his relationship with Hollywood screenwriter Dustin Lance Black.
回复 :龙家俊(刘德华饰)出身大富之家,事业有成,不仅是公司的董事长,还拥有数亿身价。只是感情方面一片空白,面对表妹(翁虹饰)的迷恋无动于衷,却对一个偶然在路上看到的女子月光(张敏饰)动了心。原来月光与老妈(叶德娴饰)在大屿山经营茶餐厅,老妈有时候靠打麻将出千赚点不义之财。无 独有偶,月光又碰巧进了龙家俊的公司,成了他公司的女员工。一次龙家俊和表妹游船河发生争执,被踢下海偶然混进偷渡客中,被警察追赶,误打误撞进了月光的家。他于是将计就计扮成大陆偷渡客在月光的小店里打起了工,而此时龙家俊的助手(吴孟达饰)正到处找他......
回复 :为弘扬民族正气,精武英雄陈真(甄子丹 饰)当年在上海虹口道场击杀日本武术高手。在此之后他更名改姓,背井离乡,远赴法国务工。一战后陈真化名齐天元,重返阔别已久的祖国,并以实业家的身份结识了上海大亨刘禹天(黄秋生 饰)及性感妖艳的夜总会女郎KIKI(舒淇 饰)。刘张扬跋扈,大发战争财,但尚存中国人的骨气;KIKI表面单纯,实则是日本女间谍,长期潜伏夜总会搜集情报。一战虽然结束,但战争的阴影远远没有散去。陈真加入秘密的抗日组织,并希望争取到刘禹天的支持。与此同时,以皇军大佐力石猛(木幡龙 饰)为首的暗杀军团开始向爱国志士痛下杀手。鱼龙混杂、暗流涌动的上海滩,已是黑云压城,暴雨将至……