回复 :20世纪50年代那场战争,不仅让同一个民族分裂成两个对立的国家,也让东西方文化的交流出现隔阂与断层。在此后的岁月里,他们相互攻讦、诋毁,却从未想过在这片多灾多难的半岛上实现真正的繁荣与和平。时间到了2007年,一切似乎发生转机。久久封闭的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国向死对头美国伸出橄榄枝,邀请纽约爱乐乐团来平壤演出。这一举措在美国引起轰动,人们纷纷猜测朝鲜背后的动机,也对这次音乐文化传播之旅产生种种期待与焦虑。2008年的2月,爱乐乐团一行两百多人抵达平壤。固有的意识形态让两国人民仍不免误解与隔阂,但优美的旋律却能让一切不和谐荡然无存……©豆瓣
回复 :When Edward’s search for his birth family takes him and his girlfriend Ryley to a magnificent villa high in the mountains of northern Portugal, he is excited to meet his long-lost mum and twin brother. Finally, he’ll be able to find out who he is and where he comes from. But nothing is as it seems, and Edward soon discovers that he is bound to them by a monstrous secret. First foray into horror by one of the surest assets of Portuguese cinema.After the visual delirium of “Diamantino” that won him the Critics’ Week prize at Cannes, Gabriel Abrantes surprises with a more classic horror film around the mystery of family origins, but also following the Portuguese canon of country vs. city. Carloto Cotta in a double performance, Alba Baptista and Anabela Moreira in very challenging roles.源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/amelias-children/
回复 :六个陌生人醒来时被困在一片无尽的玉米地里,却发现了一件神秘的东西正在追捕他们。