日韩Golden Bear for Best Short Film (win) - - 2004 Berlin International Film Festival
日韩Golden Bear for Best Short Film (win) - - 2004 Berlin International Film Festival
回复 :上有天堂,下有苏杭,苏州旖旎风光之外,美食更成为吸引了海外宾朋的重要元素。话说在解放前,家住苏州的朱自冶(夏天 饰)可谓前无古人、后无来者的资深吃货。他家资丰厚,靠着祖上留下的房产衣食无忧。不过朱自冶对穿戴女色全然不感兴趣,平生所好唯有一吃。吃能吃出讲究,吃出门道,吃出名气,吃出传奇,苏州大街小巷所有的美食他都了然于胸。当年还是穷学生的高小庭(王诗槐 饰)结识了这个大吃货,巨大的落差让他对朱充满了憎恨与厌恶。祸国殃民的十年动乱终于以失败收场,百废待兴的当下,各行各业都呈现了前所未有的别样生机。高小庭作为苏州城松鹤楼饭庄经理,决心重新振兴传统文化。而朱自冶此时则以“美食家”的身份出现在他的面前……本片根据陆文夫的小说改编。
回复 :Frank is a contract killer working for a large Styrian crime syndicate. When he is given the task of abducting a girl named Marlene and delivering her to the syndicate, everything changes for Frank. He falls in love with Marlene and molikan.com disobeys his superiors, who in turn take matters into their own hands and abduct Marlene themselves. Now Frank has to battle the blunt forces of the syndicate in order to save Marlene.
回复 :通过采访39位和沟口健二一起工作过的演员,工作人员,朋友等,描绘沟口一生的长篇纪录片。