回复 :讲述《贝尔戈维亚》25年后的故事,丑闻继续缠绕着这个家族。
回复 :A miracle independent film capturing the growth of a single baby over a period of 3 years.The film revolves around three struggling actors Michio, Gunji, and Enoken, who share a house together. One day, they find a baby girl left with a letter from Michio's ex-girlfriend. They name the child "Don-chan" and embark on the journey of raising her, despite their initial confusion. Directed by OKITA Shuichi, known for films such as "A Story of Yonosuke” and “The Fish Tale”, the movie is a self-produced project featuring OKITA and his actor friends, documenting the life of his own daughter from 6 months to 3 and a half years old. Shot entirely with a handheld camera, the film captures the heartwarming moments of Don-chan's growth and the challenges faced by the three men in nurturing her. The film was also shot on location in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, where Ueda Eigeki, a local theater, recommends the movie. Don-chan's growth is complimented along with the picturesque scenery of Bessho Onsen and Sugadaira Kogen. The heartwarming world of OKITA Shuichi, where drama and reality coexist in a mysterious harmony, unfolds throughout the film. From a crying infant, Don-chan grows to a point where she can speak her lines, and everyone's affectionate watch over her brings warmth and comfort to the viewers.
回复 :《帕丁顿熊》“Mrs.Bird” Julie Walters将和《疑犯追踪》“Alonzo” Clarke Peters将联袂主演由《去他*的世界》主创Charlie Covell以及《真实的人类》Iain Weatherby担任编剧的六集电视剧《真爱》(Truelove)。由于两名主演的年龄都超过了70岁(其它共同主演也基本超过了60岁),Channel 4表示希望通过独特、凄美还带着些黑暗风格的本剧来打破过往荧幕上对老年角色的种种规则,也会用引人入胜的情节转折、放肆的幽默以及充满激情的浪漫,在这个颠覆性的故事来向年龄歧视进行“开炮”。剧中,Julie饰演“Phil”,从警长职位退休下来的她开始过着自己舒适却又无聊的晚年生活;和她有着相同感受的“Ken”(Clarke饰演),目前已经离婚、曾经是名特工。年少时期就认识的两人,从未忘记过对方。某天,在一位朋友的葬礼上,Phil与Ken还有一帮老朋友重逢。在怀旧、畅饮的气氛之下,开始渐渐深入对人生的思考;大家讨论着什么叫做“理想的”离开,而彼此也达成约定:与其接受缓慢、让人可怕的年龄衰退,不如大家策划一个充满尊严的死亡。参与本剧的还包括:《唐顿庄园》“Miss Denker” Sue Johnston、《尝试》“Victor” Phil Davis、《不可遗忘》“Martin” Peter Egan、《我的妈呀》“Reg” Karl Johnson、《家裂》“Rose” Fiona Button以及《纯粹》“Shereen”Kiran Sonia Sawar。Julie表示自己其实已经因为没有什么吸引人的项目而基本决定退出演艺圈,但直到遇到这部剧,她被其中的写作所震撼——它以我们这些已经身处晚年的人为背景,有着黑色幽默、爱情故事以及惊悚元素;而女主“Phil”聪明、风趣、犀利的性格也同样让她喜欢,在我这样的年纪,我能有多少机会扮演女主角?这让我迫不及待地想与Channel 4展开合作。而Clarke也补充道Charlie和Iain的剧本以自己从未见过的方式探索了“是否要帮爱的人以它想要的方式完结生命”的这种道德困境,它有趣、黑暗并且充满了悬念。