回复 :某座平凡的高中,喜欢开发游戏软件的转学生小俊(タモト清嵐 饰)饱受卓郎(松岛庄汰 饰)和小武(劝修寺玲旺 饰)的欺负,最终拒绝登校。这一天,班长杏奈(平祐奈 饰)约上曾和小俊过从甚密的优等生宏(中川大志 饰)来小俊家探访。途中,宏被神秘的蓝色蝴蝶所吸引,不知不觉脚步就来到了传说中闹鬼的废旧房屋Jail House前。站在现场的还有卓郎、小武和美香(久松郁实 饰)三人,他们打算进入Jail House探险,并实时拍下视频在网上直播。房屋中突然发生奇怪响动,小武试图逃脱,却发现出口被人所思。得意忘形的卓郎还没料到,他们已经步入可怕的狩猎陷阱之中……本片根据同名游戏改编。
回复 :故事紧接前三部。萌犬的家族越发壮大了,泰妮结婚了,生下了可爱的萌犬宝宝辛迪、罗希、查理和布罗迪。隆冬将至,泰妮迫不及待要跟自己的宝宝们共度他们降生后的第一个圣诞节。然而,比起和家人共度美好时光,小家伙们似乎更热衷于拼命搜刮礼物。为了让孩子们体会到圣诞节的真正含义,泰妮和老公筹划了一场萌犬好声音圣诞节特别节目,向家人演唱圣诞颂歌,并请来了神奇的圣诞老人和他的驯鹿!
回复 :A man is on a hiking trail in a California desert, when he notices his car is missing. As he searches around, he follows a wandering boy and eventually ends up in a remote cabin occupied by a young woman. A strange dynamic between the two occurs, along with several violent encounters with menacing boys holding the woman captive. As the man realizes the calculated trap he is fallen into, it is too late to avoid the horrific outcome he will be subjected to.The Seeding is a daring, nightmarish feature debut by writer/director Barnaby Clay, whose noted music video works include songs by Gnarls Barkley, “YYYs”, and more. This slow-burning shocker tackling toxic masculinity and our fear of isolation effectively presents the steps of deterioration in a man’s psyche upon being faced with desperation and a battle for survival. As a newcomer, Barnaby Clay is a director to be reckoned with. (Jongsuk Thomas NAM)源自:https://www.bifan.kr/eng/program/program_view.asp?pk_seq=6523&sc_category_seq=6018&sc_num=1&actEvent=view