临时受命的守护天使埃尔默(阿尔伯特·芬尼 饰)带着新生灵魂米罗(安东·尤金 饰)来到人间,国产他有24小时的时间向米罗展示人世的种种美好。与此同时,国产米罗逃避降生的恐惧正导致全球孕妇停止分娩.......
临时受命的守护天使埃尔默(阿尔伯特·芬尼 饰)带着新生灵魂米罗(安东·尤金 饰)来到人间,国产他有24小时的时间向米罗展示人世的种种美好。与此同时,国产米罗逃避降生的恐惧正导致全球孕妇停止分娩.......
回复 :Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting and original films. This Italian-Spanish follow-up is a bit muddled, but no less engrossing.Set in a family hotel in Northern Italy in 1945, the film concerns Rosa (Leonora Fani), who helps her mother run the hotel while awaiting her soldier father's return from the front. In a Barilli film, nothing is as it seems, and before long Mom (who is sleeping with a traitor she's hidden in the attic) is murdered. Then poor Rosa is raped by two of the guests, who also are murdered, and while she's hiding the bodies she is forced into an orgy by all of the other guests. But before the guests get to far a mysterious man enters all shots the guests. Who is this mysterious man and what are his intentions for Rosa?Like all the best gialli, Pensione Paura completely dispenses with logic early on, elevating weirdness to nearly operatic levels while absorbing the viewer in a thick and spellbinding atmosphere of mounting dread. Francisco Rabal co-stars with Luc Merenda, Lidia Biondi, and Jose Maria Prada.
回复 :哈利是一名退休的警察,一日,他受朋友杰克艾姆斯与凯萨琳夫妇之托送一个包裹,没想到里面竟然是勒索金,从此,他就陷入了谋杀与恐吓交缠的危险中。哈利一心想找出事实真相,因此游走在执法与犯法的模糊边缘,他一步一步的走向了20年前,一宗牵涉凯萨琳前夫的失踪案,这宗沉封许久的悬案背后,到底隐藏了什么不可告人的秘密?
回复 :11岁的女孩艾瑞(凯特·马伯里 Kate Maberly 饰)跟着家人从苏格兰搬到了美国,在那里,他们家拥有一大片田地。收获季来临了,艾瑞的父母雇佣了一批墨西哥劳工到地里收割庄稼,艾瑞因此结识了名为奥斯卡(Jonathan Hernandez 饰)的男孩,趣味相投的两人很快就成为了朋友。艾瑞的姐姐简(Carolyn Hurlburt 饰)在城市里认识了男孩托德(Dallen Gettling 饰),虽然托德长得一表人才,却是个华而不实的绣花枕头。当托德看见简和奥斯卡的哥哥马库斯(Mark Hardy 饰)一起在地里劳动的场面后感到非常的不满,与此同时,艾瑞因为和奥斯卡交好,也遭到了周遭人的排挤和嘲笑,这令艾瑞感到百思不得其解。