回复 :CSI: NY (Crime Scene Investigation: New York) is an American police procedural television series that ran on CBS from September 22, 2004 to February 22, 2013, for a total of nine seasons and 197 original episodes. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers identified as "Crime Scene Investigators" (instead of the actual title of "Crime Scene Unit Forensic Technicians" (CSU)) as they unveil the circumstances behind mysterious and unusual deaths, as well as other crimes. The series is an indirect spin-off from the veteran series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and a direct spin-off from CSI: Miami, during an episode in which several of the CSI: NY characters made their first appearances. It is the third series in the CSI franchise.
回复 :时间回到两万年前,那时,我们所在的地球是一个非常不同的世界。北半球被冰川覆盖,巨大的冰河冲下山谷,延伸到平原,随着海平面下降,大陆开始升起。体积庞大的长毛兽和凶猛的食肉动物统治世界,一些动物则选择迁徙。它们要穿过广袤而陌生的平原。在它们当中,人类作为杂食动物,在求生的过程中也不得不面对挑战。通过独有的挖掘方法和最先进的法医分析以及壮观的电脑图像界面,《冰河期巨兽》回到史前大陆,发掘古老而精致的史前动物拼图,从而以史前动物的视角再现了冰川时期。
回复 :美国广播公司和美国电影艺术与科学学院已确认,第91届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼将不会有主持人。第91届奥斯卡 颁奖典礼将于周日(2月24日)在ABC电视台播出。【奖项条目】https://movie.douban.com/awards/Oscar/91/