回复 :1987年马泰边界,吉打象屿山下的村落里,村民阿昌是民间神明拿督公的虔诚信仰者,妻子阿燕却不以为然。某日阿昌驱赶神龛前的蛇,不慎打破暹罗裔邻家屋墙。两周后,阿昌突在田埂晕阙,口吐血丝锈钉,村人知悉各圆其说,阿燕全然不信,决意为丈夫遍寻药方。三个月后,阿昌久病不愈,阿燕无计可施,到洞穴祭拜象屿山神。此时,穴内出现一名女子,向她娓娓道出狼牙修时代的传说。霎时之间,阿燕仿如置身边界的融汇与对立,深陷惶恐与未知。本片以精湛的视听语言和炉火纯青的场面调度勾勒出东方神秘主义的新面貌。
回复 :Regine, a psychologically fragile young woman, is hiding away in the city, far from the dark and forbidding countryside of her traumatic childhood. She's struggling to construct the loving family she never had, and to rise above the events of the past: above all, the disastrous home birth of her brother Isaac, which led to her mother's insanity and Isaac's apparent death. But the city is tense and hostile, and contains its own threats. An abusive relationship with the controlling psychiatrist who's treating her mother is already blighting Regine's life when the brutal murder of her grandmother raises a crucial question: is Isaac still alive, and looking for revenge against a family which he feels has rejected him? Driven to heal the wounds of the past and to reunite her family by connecting with the brother she's never met, Regine must return to the site of her previous traumas and confront the true source of her family's guilt. It could make sense of her life - or throw it into ...
回复 :亚历山大艾伯林,俄国人,在经历过一段地狱式训练后成为一名高级间谍被派到英国情报局卧底,秘密执行各种间谍任务,时间转瞬即逝在英国情报局总共呆了18年之久,长期的间谍任务使他心力交瘁,于是他想重回祖国的怀抱,但是被他的上级否决,此时,他又被派到英国各处秘密执行暗杀计划,此时亚历山大·艾伯林人生有了新变化,个人安全处在危在旦夕中……