讲述了赏金大将猫七(方安娜 饰)接下悬赏令,亚洲成与神探叶重(洪尧 饰)再次组合破无头尸案,亚洲成并冒着生命危险深入虎穴,与江湖邪教“白莲教”展开了扑朔迷离、诡谲凶险的比拼与角逐的轻喜剧探案故事。
讲述了赏金大将猫七(方安娜 饰)接下悬赏令,亚洲成与神探叶重(洪尧 饰)再次组合破无头尸案,亚洲成并冒着生命危险深入虎穴,与江湖邪教“白莲教”展开了扑朔迷离、诡谲凶险的比拼与角逐的轻喜剧探案故事。
回复 :晓曦和母亲美芳相依为命,开著一家小小的花店。美芳有睡眠障碍,晓曦新认识的男友彦豪是位精神科医师,晓曦和母亲看诊后,反而变成两人交往的障碍,彦豪坚持不能公开两人的关係。真正的原因是他还没走出前女友自杀阴影。一家乡工地挖出到了一副骨骸,竟然是晓曦二十年前在海边失踪的父亲,美芳受到刺激,在葬礼后失踪。众人遍寻不著,却在树林裡发现美芳上吊自杀的尸体。林投姐抓交替的谣言再起。崩溃的晓曦求助神婆丽云,呼唤美芳的灵魂对话,却被彦豪打断,原来神婆是彦豪的母亲,彦豪坚持晓曦需要的是医学治疗。晓曦回到老家,记忆碎片渐渐拼凑成形,那鬼魅的身影是她一直无法面对的恐惧......彦豪是否有勇气面对一切,解救晓曦?
回复 :故事讲述西摩在得到一株以吸取人血产生的奇异花卉后,不惜以牺牲自己的代价来赢取顾客的青睐和美人的芳心。然而在名利双收之时,摩西发现这朵奇花在长大的同时,自己已不能控制它的成长,并且生命也面临危险。良心与名利之间,摩西终于醒悟,于是正邪之战由此展开。该片因缘于歌舞剧,故不可能成为主流作品,而且较正统歌舞剧所不及。其独特之处在于能说会道小花的电影特技和轻松插曲,总的讲仍不失为一部赏心妙品。
回复 :Teenaged siblings Girly and Sonny lure young men back to their home to meet the eccentric Mumsy and Nanny. There, the men are forced to take part in strange games, the rules of which are never defined - and if they refuse, or transgress the unwritten rules, they're killed. But they may have met their match in New Friend, their latest victim, who starts to manipulate the foursome, setting one against the other.Bizarre combination of late sixties avant garde and sleaze. Director Freddie Francis had made horrors for both Hammer and Amicus but this is nothing like any of them. Shot on location with an atmosphere mixing playground horror and conservatory theatre that is downright weird and unsettling. The great lost girl of sixties British horror, Vanessa Howard, shines as she does in those other rarely seen gems Corruption [1967] and What Became of Jack and Jill [1972]. If Harold Pinter had made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974] for the BBC this could have resulted. Excellent and unique.